Every month, there are countless month-long celebrations, dedicated days, and special weeks designed to bring awareness and support to meaningful causes, and critical issues, and some observances are just for fun (think National Pig Day or National Dance the Waltz Day).
As much fun as it is to celebrate pigs and waltzing, I would like to highlight two of the larger issues the month of March recognizes – women’s history and disabilities. In the HR profession, these are issues that are directly connected to many of our DEI efforts. By bringing attention to women’s history and the broad variety of disabilities which can impact virtually anyone’s life, we have an opportunity for discussion, engagement, education, awareness, and action related to critical societal issues.
Recently, I had the privilege of attending the Lancaster Chamber’s State of the County event and I was inspired by the words of Vanessa Philbert, the CEO of Community Action Plan. She reminded us that DEI is about creating a space to allow for curious and courageous conversations, and to provide the opportunity to make meaningful changes, big or small. Vanessa shared her own story of awareness and taking action when she recently recognized her office building did not offer push button or handicap power assist door openers. While she is working to change that, it was her honesty and humility that really struck me. Vanessa openly shared a flaw in her own environment and the need to solve the problem as swiftly as possible. This to me, is leadership in action.
The journey to inclusion is hard. It is a continuous improvement process without a finish line. We all have things in our own organizations that we can do better. Being mindful and evaluating everyday activities from a new perspective can be enlightening. Being humble and willing to change can be a difference maker. I am so excited to hear Vanessa speak at our Spring Conference on Friday, April 14th. I hope you will be there with me to soak up her words of wisdom!
I also hope you will join me on Tuesday, March 14th as we hear from the highly popular and engaging speaking team of Eric Athey and Micah Saul. They will be sharing critical updates from the legal landscape that HR professionals need to know to prepare and protect themselves and their organizations. This event is worth the price of admission, I assure you! I look forward to seeing you there!
As our mild winter comes to a close, I hope the Spring brings renewed energy to you, your families, and your organization. Come say hi to me anytime! I love meeting new people and reconnecting with old friends!
All my best,
Jen Strobel
LSHRM President 2023